hi this week

Sermon Quotes: "The Grace of Partnership"

“Westerners (particularly North Americans) have a cultural bias toward promoting overindependency on the part of the churches they establish. Even when their churches actually belong to a larger fellowship of churches, the likelihood of those churches assuming an active role in the larger fellowship is not always great.” David Hesselgrave

“Paul’s words stand as a rebuke to the Corinthians’ myopic individualism and congregationalism.” Paul Barnett 

“No one group can do all that is required for the advancement of the gospel. The varieties of gifts that bless individual churches are broadened and their effectiveness is multiplied when churches connect their efforts. …We value such connectionism both for what it promotes and for what it protects. By our support of one another we provide more coordinated talent and resources for the promotion of the gospel than any single church could supply.” Bryan Chapell

“God loves churches that look beyond their own needs.” Darrell Bock



