hi this week

Sermon Quotes: "Three Unexpected Converts"

“The Christian message has been expounded through these chapters of Acts in a variety of contexts, sometimes at considerable length. It was to receive significant restatement and further elaboration in the later New Testament writings. In the two millennia to follow, it would become the source of voluminous compositions and counter-compositions, both learned and popular, of sufficient number to stock and overflow the libraries of the nations. Yet in this dramatic moment, amid the ruins of the Roman jail in Philippi, it can be stated in a single sentence of five words, ‘Believe on the Lord Jesus.’ Such is the glory of the gospel, and the glory of the gospel’s God.” Bruce Milne

“Saving faith gives nothing to Christ but our sin. Saving faith receives everything from Christ as our Savior.” Eric Alexander

“Believe is pitted against do. Human achievement is worthless and needless as well. The Lord Jesus has done it all. What remains is to appropriate His saving work by faith.” Everett Harrison
“It is wonderful that in such pain, with lacerated backs and aching limbs, Paul and Silas at about midnight were praying and singing hymns to God. Not groans but songs came from their mouths. Instead of cursing men, they blessed God. No wonder the other prisoners were listening to them.” John Stott

“I am drawn to people who suffer without murmuring. Especially when they believe in God but never get angry with him or criticize him. It seems to me that not murmuring is one of the rarest traits in the world. And when it is combined with a deep faith in God-who could alter our painful circumstances, but doesn’t-it has a beautiful God-trusting, God-honoring quality that makes it all the more attractive. Paul was like that.” John Piper

“Although Luke does not explicitly refer to either her conversion or her baptism, the fact that her deliverance took place between the conversions of Lydia and the jailer leads readers to infer that she too became a member of the Philippian church.” John Stott



