hi this week

Sermon Overview & Discussion Questions: "Behold"

Overview of Sermon:
In this sermon, CJ beckons us to come behold the risen Savior. The two Marys beheld an angel, pointing to the Risen Christ who is not in the tomb. Later, Jesus honored the ladies by appearing to them first. He then asked them to send word to the disciples to meet him in Galilee. Jesus shows his tender heart toward the deserting disciples by calling them his brothers.  
Discussion Questions:

1. This sermon and passage centers on beholding. When you read “behold” in a biblical text, what is your first thought? Are you more inclined to pass over it without much thought or to strive to intently find out what the writers want you to behold?  

2. The angel appeared to all who were near the tomb. All were filled with fear, but he caused the Roman Legionnaires to faint from fright, showing supernatural elements at work. How often do you think of reports in the Bible merely in natural terms? What room for the Supernatural do you have in your thinking?  

3. Jesus honored the faith and devotion of the two Marys by appearing to them first. Who are some ladies that come to mind when thinking of great faith and devotion? What are their habits and traits that lead you to admire them?  

4. The resurrection is the heart of Christianity. What might bring the doubting heart comfort in regards to the resurrection? CJ cross-referenced 1 Corinthians 15:17 and Matthew 28:17.  

5. CJ reminded us that the resurrection assures us of God’s love. Jesus warmly welcomed those that deserted him. What comfort does this bring to you when you sin or are sinned against?



