hi this week

Sermon Quotes: "And The Adventure Continues"

“Acts is meant to chronicle not the life and death of Paul but the rise and spread of the gospel.” David Peterson

“Jesus brought about the inauguration of God’s kingdom, the fulfillment of God’s saving promises. The book of Acts, therefore, is about the continuation of those saving promises, the kingdom of God, through the Lord Jesus. Jesus is still the mediator of that kingdom, the one who administers those saving promises and the one who carries out God’s saving plan.” Alan Thompson

“I love a minister whose face invites me to make him my friend…No one knows what a smile and a hearty sentence may do. A man who is to do much with men must love them and feel at home with them. An individual who has no geniality about him had better be an undertaker, and bury the dead, for he will never succeed in influencing the living.” Charles Spurgeon

“The final note is wholly positive. The mission in these chapters of Acts experiences regular obstacles and setbacks, and the seemingly endless attacks of powerful, fanatical enemies. Persecution is experienced, sacrifices are demanded, lives are lost. Yet, despite the paucity of their resources, the ordinariness and the modesty of the witnesses themselves, and their almost total lack of backing from influential individuals or organizations, by grace they prevail. The gospel continues to go forth, multitudes respond to it, and the commission is fulfilled. The ultimate theme is the triumphant progress of the gospel.” Bruce Milne



