hi this week

Sermon Overview & Discussion Questions: "No Other Gospel"

Overview of the Sermon:
After God had opened the door of salvation to the Gentiles of Galatia, the temptation to add to the gospel quickly arose (Acts 13-15). Galatians is the only letter we have from Paul that doesn’t open with thanksgiving and celebration. Instead, Paul starts right off passionately addressing the Galatian church’s drift from salvation by Christ alone. He begins by rehearsing the gospel in verses 3-4, and then warns that to add anything to the gospel is to abandon Christ and oppose God. However, to cherish the gospel honors God and grounds us on the foundation of God’s grace and peace in Christ alone.
Discussion Questions:
1. Jeff warned us that we will drift if we are not “astonished (v6)” by the gospel. How does the grace and peace of God in His gospel freshly astonish you?
2. Jeff urged us to, “Imagine standing before our Savior with love in His eyes and scars on His hands and saying to Him, ‘it’s not enough’.” What are you tempted to add to the gospel?

3. Jeff asked us, “What are you in the process of? Drawing near to the cross, or drifting away from the cross?” What has this looked like for you recently?

4. “Everything in salvation is due to the grace of God (John Stott).” How have you seen God’s grace in your life story, or recently?

5. Where do you see our culture tempted to find worth and peace? How does this passage equip us to engage our unbelieving friends?



