hi this week

Sermon Quotes: "The Most Joyful Event"

“Our faith is strengthened when we realize that the first disciples are skeptics too at first. They do not naively believe that Jesus has conquered death. When they first hear about the resurrection, they doubt it could be so. But Jesus gives them concrete evidence that he has truly risen.” -Thomas Schreiner
“This is the great mystery of the gospel in the blood of Christ, that those who sin every day should have peace with God all their days.” -John Owen
“Luke uses a curious expression to indicate what the disciples believed. He says that they ‘still disbelieved for joy and were marveling’ (Luke 24:41). ‘Marveling’ is a word for wonderment and amazement. The disciples were witnessing the most extraordinary thing they had ever seen-that anyone had ever seen. It was the marvel of all marvels: the living and immortal body of someone who was dead and buried before he came alive in a body that would never die again. It seemed too good to be true.” -Phil Ryken
“The Bible is one big story that’s all about Jesus. Jesus fulfills the Old Testament. The entire Old Testament points to Jesus. Jesus is the climax of God’s revelation. So if you interpret the Bible in a way that does not point to Jesus, then you are not interpreting the Bible in the way that God himself says you should. This doesn’t mean that every Old Testament or New Testament passage points to Jesus in exactly the same way. But every passage points to Jesus in some way.” -Andy Naselli
“No matter what guilty secret lies embedded in your conscience, His resurrection means that His sacrifice for our sins has been accepted, therefore you may be pardoned. Because of the resurrection you don’t need to carry around the guilt of your sin.” - Sinclair Ferguson
“The resurrection of Christ is the most joyful event that ever came to pass.” - Jonathan Edwards

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