hi this week

Sermon Quotes: "Blindsided By Betrayal"

“The book of Psalms is the most popular book of the Old Testament in both the Jewish community and the Christian community. In fact, the Psalms is a favorite of the biblical writers as well. Its language is taken up by later Old Testament writers, and it is the most frequently quoted Old Testament book in the New Testament. The Lord Jesus Christ probably memorized the book. He quoted it often-in his teaching ministry, in his debates with Jewish leaders, in his final hours on the cross, and in his resurrection ministry to his apostles. And in all these scenarios he demonstrated that the Psalms spoke of him. The apostles cited the Psalms often, and as they had learned from their Master, they understood it as speaking of him…It is quite remarkable that songs and prayers written three thousand or so years ago are still in such demand and use today all over the world. We are privileged to be studying them, and as we do, we participate in a community and a long history of study and reflection.” - Bruce Waltke & Fred Zaspel

“In so many ways the single message of the Psalms as a whole is ‘take it to the Lord in prayer.’ The Psalms really believe that prayer changes things, solves problems, delivers beleaguered people, and brings whatever is needed. If the message is repeated it is because it needs to be repeated, and because we are slow to take it on board.” - Alec Motyer

Have we trials and temptations?
Is there trouble anywhere?
We should never be discouraged,
Take it to the Lord in prayer.
Can we find a friend so faithful,
Who will all our sorrows share?
Jesus knows our every weakness,
Take it to the Lord in prayer.

Are we weak and heavy-laden,
Cumbered with a load of care?
Precious Savior, still our refuge-
Take it to the Lord in prayer;
Do your friends despise, forsake thee?
Take it to the Lord in prayer;
In His arms He’ll take and shield thee,
Thou wilt find a solace there.
- Joseph Scriven

“In the psalms, relationship with God is happening out loud! More than 95% of the psalms express or invite audible words. Most are spoken directly to God. So when we read, we hear what is written, because so much of it is happening out loud...It’s fair to say that having a ‘quiet time’ is a misnomer. It’s more of an out loud, ‘noisy time’! When you talk aloud you express the reality that you are talking with someone else, not simply talking to yourself inside your own head. Silent prayers are not wrong, but they are the exception. If silent prayers are the exception, then spoken prayers are the rule…Out loud prayer becomes living evidence of an increasingly honest and significant relationship. As you become vocal, your faith grows up. God wants to catch your ear in order to awaken your voice. When you have your ‘quiet’ time, or as you walk outdoors, or during your commute, may the decibel level appropriately rise to joyful noise and cries of need-and may you trust that God listens to the sound of your voice!”- David Powlison

“There is a world of agony in the word ‘strangers’, for it was David’s own countrymen who were hunting him. Yet they were behaving as only foreigners would and could.” - Alec Motyer

“If you are facing some hard problem, I encourage you to tell God about it in detail. God knows it already, of course. But it will do you good to spell it out, and mentioning details will remind you that God also knows and cares about them. You will also be remembering that he cares for you.” - James Boice

“If in verses 1-3 David was bringing himself and then his enemies to God’s attention, he now brings God before his own attention.” - Derek Kidner

“’Help’ means that it is present and active, ’upholds’ means that in particular he imparts his strength and shares his vitality so as to make the unbearable bearable, so that David feels he is no longer dependent on such resilience as he might himself possess but is infused with divine life.” - Alec Motyer

“This psalm, as is true of so many, aims to provide a fundamentally joyful outlook on life, even in the midst of troubles and threats. Proper use of this text will enable faithful Christians to entrust themselves to God in a confidence built on his promises and their experiences and to enjoy celebrating with their fellow worshippers.” -  John Collins

“”Fruitless remembering’-that is a good way to describe one place it is easy to get stuck when you’ve been done deep wrong. A whirlpool of excruciating details is an easy place to drown.” - David Powlison

“Readers are in for a real nail-biter; the tension becomes nearly unbearable in verse 26. Sympathetic Bible readers close their eyes at this point. They refuse to watch the capture, humiliation, and, likely, death.” - Dale Ralph Davis



