hi this week
Sermon Overview & Discussion Questions: "Be Careful What You Sow"
on July 18th, 2024
Overview of Sermon: Continuing in his instruction to the Galatians, Paul compares the Christian’s pursuit of godliness to a farmer sowing seeds. Paul notes that all people continually sow seeds of some type, either seeds of the flesh or seeds of the Spirit. He then urges the Galatians to sow seeds of the Spirit, specifically in relation to financial giving, spiritual growth, and good works, and th...  Read More
Sermon Overview & Discussion Questions: "True Spirituality"
on July 10th, 2024
Overview of the Sermon:To a culture obsessed with spirituality, Paul writes to define clearly what true spirituality is and how it can be measured in the believer’s life. CJ showed us that true spirituality is not self-centered nor based on subjective impressions, but is the fruit of the gospel worked out in the context of the local church. True spiritual maturity is expressed in gentle restoratio...  Read More
Sermon Overview & Discussion Questions: "Lessons from a Heart Attack"
on June 26th, 2024
Overview of Sermon:Bill Kittrell encouraged us to live by faith instead of giving into doubt or despair in suffering and shared 5 lessons that he learned from a heart attack. First, he learned that God is in control and active in our lives. He also learned that he could do things he thought he could not do and that God uses means of grace to help us do hard things. Fourth, Bill realized that the L...  Read More
Sermon Overview & Discussion Questions: "Walk by the Spirit"
on June 19th, 2024
Overview of Sermon:Continuing in his warning about licentiousness, Paul notes that the sinful desires of the flesh are directly opposed to the sanctifying desires of the Holy Spirit, and that one cannot pursue both their flesh and the Spirit simultaneously. Therefore, Paul writes, the solution for the believer to avoid gratifying their sinful desires is to simply walk in the Holy Spirit. In so doi...  Read More
Sermon Overview & Discussion Questions: "Freed To Serve"
on June 13th, 2024
Overview of Sermon: Paul continues his letter to the Galatians by reminding Christians that the freedom granted to them in the gospel is entirely due to the sovereign calling of God. Paul warns the Galatians against using their gospel freedom to gratify their own selfish desires, writing that such behavior leads to the destruction of church unity. Instead, Paul exhorts the Galatian believers to le...  Read More
Sermon Overview & Discussion Questions: "Hindered from Running Well"
on June 5th, 2024
Overview of the Sermon:These verses give a surprising gift of warnings that are meant to guard Christians from tripping over legalism or license. They are also meant to fix our eyes on the sufficiency of Jesus. Paul warns of false teaching and beliefs that would lead to self-confidence, rather than confidence in Jesus alone. If one persists in false self-confidence, it will lead to condemnation. T...  Read More



