hi this week

Sermon Quotes: "Anything But Ordinary"

“The restoration of Eutychus life was a vivid reminder to the Christians of Troas that the Jesus whom Paul had been preaching was indeed the resurrection and the life.” John Polhill

“Luke records only one incident during this week in Troas, namely the dramatic sleep, fall, death and resuscitation of a young man called Eutychus. Because it took place in the context of a worship service, however, the story is also instructive in the area of early Christian worship…What can we learn about Christian worship from that Sunday evening service in Troas many centuries ago?” John Stott

“It is significant that the first day of the week is mentioned. It had been and continues to be the tradition of the Jews to worship on the seventh day of the week, the Sabbath. This is mandated in the Old Testament, and it is part of what one would expect Old Testament believers to do. But significantly when we come to the New Testament the Christians, most of whom (at least in the early days) were Jews and who were used to worshiping at least once a week, switched their normal day of worship to Sunday. This switch must have happened as a result of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, which had occurred on the first day of the week. Christians began to worship not on the old day, the Sabbath, but on the new ‘Lord’s Day,’ which is what they called it. This change is a proof of the resurrection.” James Boice

“…day of all the week the best, emblem of eternal rest.” John Newton

“The Lord’s Supper, which was instituted by Jesus, and which is the only regular commemorative act authorized by him, dramatizes neither his birth nor his life, neither his words nor his works, but only his death. Nothing could indicate more clearly the central significance which Jesus attached to his death. It was by his death that he wished above all else to be remembered.” John Stott

“Preaching is of the very essence of the corporate phenomenon called Christianity as I understand it. By that I mean that Christianity, on earth as is in heaven, is fellowship with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ, and the preaching of God’s Word in the power of God’s Spirit is the activity that brings the Father and the Son down from heaven to dwell with men. I know this because I’ve experienced it…Preaching mediates not only God’s authority, but also His presence and His power. Preaching effects an encounter not simply with truth, but with God Himself.” J.I. Packer

“There is no hint that Paul took the incident as a rebuke for long-windedness. Nor were the people troubled by the meeting’s length.” Richard Longenecker

“So it is that word and sacrament were combined in the ministry given to the church at Troas, and the universal church has followed suit ever since. For God speaks to his people through his Word both as it is read and expounded from Scripture and as it is dramatized in the two gospel sacraments, baptism and the Lord’s Supper. What builds up the church more than anything else is the ministry of God’s Word as it comes to us through Scripture and Sacrament, audibly and visibly, in declaration and drama.” John Stott



