hi this week

Sermon Quotes: "No Other Gospel"

“[Galatians is] my own epistle, to which I have plighted my troth. It is my own Katie von Bora” - Martin Luther

“The glory of the gospel is that God has declared Christians to be rightly related to him in spite of their sin. But our greatest temptation and mistake is to try to smuggle character into his work of grace.” - Sinclair Ferguson

“The true gospel is in its essence what Paul called it in Acts 20:24, ‘the gospel of the grace of God.’ It is good news of a God who is gracious to underserving sinner. In grace He gave his Son to die for us. In grace He calls us to Himself. In grace he justifies us when we believe . . . Nothing is due to our efforts, merits or works; everything in salvation is due to the grace of God.” - John Stott



