hi this week

Sermon Overview & Discussion Questions: "A Gospel Collision"

Overview of Sermon:
In this sermon, CJ motivated us towards consistent conduct for the preservation and advancement of the gospel. Peter’s public offense involved his withdrawal from fellowship with Gentile believers due to the fear of man from the “circumcision party”, and by so doing, Peter was out of step with his gospel beliefs. Paul then made a public opposition to Peter by confronting his behavior to preserve the truth of the gospel. CJ encouraged the congregation to remember our own failings as those who still battle indwelling, to wisely exhort others, and seek accountability from those who love us.
Discussion Questions:
1. In this circumstance, Peter withdrew from eating with the Gentiles because of his fear of man. What are some ways that you have withdrawn from fellowship or interaction with others due to a fear of man?  
2. Paul had to correct Peter due to the seriousness of his offense and to preserve the integrity and truth of the gospel. How have you seen a correction done well between fellow believers? 
3. As an application of this passage to our lives, CJ reminded us that we must remember our own failings. What does forbearance look like for you as you engage in messy relationships in your life?  
4. CJ reminded us of the necessity of having individuals in our lives that can and will speak into our lives to offer correction as needed. Who have you given permission to do this in your life?  
5. When we encounter conflict and correction, how can we showcase a grace-filled and gospel-centered reaction to a lost world?



