hi this week

Sermon Overview & Discussion Questions: "The Giver of All Good Gifts"

Sermon Overview:
These verses show us gifts, a Giver, and the greatest gift. God mercifully showers us with many gifts that we don’t deserve. This flows from His Fatherly character and changeless love. Ultimately, God has given us the greatest gift of regeneration. He took the initiative to save us and brought us forth as a new people through the gospel. All this should move us to deep gratefulness.

Discussion Questions:

1. Verse 18 says that God regenerated us “of His own will”. How should this truth humble us?

2. Where might you be struggling to trust God’s goodness? How can the greatest gift of regeneration anchor your soul in times of weariness and trial?

3.  What “happy surprises” or unexpected “high points” in your life are you grateful for?

4.  What are some practical ways you can seek to grow in gratefulness each day?

5.  How can gratefulness serve as a witness to unbelievers in today’s culture, particularly as we head into the holidays and family gatherings? 



